The Homemade Experience
In the year of sunset and the rise of empires, in a quiet place in the Southern part of the island Corfu,
a man known by the name Rouvelas* opens the very first taverna. The fame spreads around the
island like the song of the Robin bird. The talent and hospitality gather people from near and far to
try the delicacies, homemade tsipuro and wine of Rouvelas, according to recipes kept and passed
from father to son.

100 years later, far from home, but close to the heart, Rouvelas* great-grandson revives the tradition
of home-made Greek food and drink. This place from now on will be known as Pappous Tsipouradiko
– where food and tsipuro remind us of the comfort and Taste of Home.
* Rouvelas
In Greek: robin bird